Sunday, June 19, 2016


The next step after adding local variables was to extend that concept along to actual fields in classes. Not the sexiest feature in the world, but as the language pushes towards doing stuff, pragmatism will win. Fields (hopefully) look and act like you'd expect - they look like local variables without the preceding colon, and initialize when the class is created. Let's look at the test code:

foo :> new Foo(x: int) {
  (this).test : int := 42 + x;
  (this) => int { this.test } 

entrypoint => void {
  print new Foo 5;     // 47
  :x:foo := new Foo 5;
  print x;             // still 47
  x.test = 5;
  print x;             // 5

The only weird part is that (this) bit in there. Since fields can be phrases like everything else in the language, you need to specify where the owner of the field is fetched from. The initializers can pull from the constructor parameters, and from other fields - though there is a bug currently where the compiler may not order the dependencies of initializers properly.

Slightly weird, but nothing ground breaking. You have fields, you can read from them and you can write to them. Now to something a little more weird. I also added support for fields to interfaces. They don't have initializers, but otherwise use the same syntax. Let's look at an example:

Pirate :> pirate (x: string) :< has name {
  (this).name : string := x;

Doctor :> doctor (x: string) :< has name {
  (this).name : string := x;

has name :> interface {
  (this).name : string;

print name of (x: has name) => void {

entrypoint => void {
  print name of doctor "?";
  print name of pirate "Bob"; 


Here the interface allows unified access to the fields of two otherwise distinct types. Under the hood, this works because while I've been using "field" to refer to fields, they are implemented similarly to properties. Each field has a getter and a setter function, so the interface simply requires they be implemented. In the example above, we're only using the getter, so could be changed to this and still work:

Pirate :> pirate (x: string) :< has name {
  (this).name : string := x;

Doctor :> doctor (x: string) :< has name {
  (this).name : string := x;

has name :> interface {
  (this).name => string;

print name of (x: has name) => void {

entrypoint => void {
  print name of doctor "?";
  print name of pirate "Bob"; 

Next on the list is delegates. Once they're in, the language should be mostly done I think. It will have all of the big language things you need to do stuff, along with a pile of bugs and none of the library/interop things necessary for you to do interesting stuff. Hopefully, delegates will go quickly and I'll figure out some project that will push the pragmatism agenda.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Basic Local Variables

After this morning's work, Tangent now supports the most basic of local variables. Yes, the language had user defined syntax, delegates, generics, type-class style interfaces, and... no variable support. But now as I move my focus more from building cool stuff to using cool stuff to build other cool stuff, I need to fill in the gaps. That means fixing the inevitable bugs I find, and basic usability stuff like local variables, which are still going to cause trouble since there wasn't any mutable state at all in the language before today.

I wanted local variables to be able to be phrases, just like parameters and types and everything else in the language. Yet I needed them to be clear both to the compiler and the user that they were declarations and not statements, and I didn't have a lot of tokens to work with, since I want most of them to be available for users to build their own phrases with. Let's look at the test code:

entrypoint => void {
  :x:int := 42;
  print x;
  x = x + 1;
  print x;

So local variable declarations start with a colon, and then work like (I hope) you'd expect them to - you declare a phrase and its type. Right now, locals require initialization, which uses pascal-style assignment to differentiate it from `=`, which helps the parser (and user) avoid ambiguity. This code works as of today.

What does not work is capturing locals in lambdas. That will just throw you an exception right off. Nested scopes probably don't work. Variable hiding probably works, but is untested. And due to implementation details, this code probably compiles, but will do unknown and terrible things:

entrypoint => void {
  print x;
  :x:int := 42;

Because while the code is smart enough to initialize the locals at the right time, it isn't smart enough to only make them available to the scope when declared, mostly because the scope is immutable and I didn't want to rabbit hole it. 

I have not yet decided if I hate this enough to fix it.

In other usability news, I added support to the command line compiler and test suite to support multiple input files. This should let me reuse code for different programs. I expect that I'm not going to want to reimplement conditionals and loops for every program I write...