Sunday, March 8, 2015

Milestone 1 revisited

So it turns out that I am an idiot. Well, I was being an idiot. Now perhaps not so much. I talked in the Milestone 1 post  about how looping eventually will overflow because of how it's implemented. In short, that I can't use tail call optimization because the compiler can't tell if the recursive call is in tail position, since conditionals are implemented in-language.

That was entirely true. But what I failed to realize (until last night, idly thinking on the edge of sleep) is that it doesn't matter if the recursive call is in tail position. Let's look again at our while code:

while (condition: ~>bool) (body: ~>void) => void {
    if condition { 
        while condition body; 

and think about how this gets compiled into CIL:

temp1 = condition
temp2 = new Closure({ body; while condition body; });
call if(temp1,temp2)

So while the recursive call is in tail position for the closure, the real eureka moment was realizing that the conditional was the thing that mattered conceptually. It was the function call in tail position for the loop. All of the internet articles reiterate how conditionals are special for determining tail call usage, and because I was so focused on the recursive aspect I did not stop to consider how doing things differently invalidated conventional wisdom.

Anyways, loops now work as expected without stack overflow and without needing to build them into the language. The code is in github marked as Milestone 2.

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